· Joshua Morgan · blog · 2 min read
What is Your Passion?
What's your true passion?

What is your passion? I have been asked this question so many times. So many times I’ve replied with the most obvious choice for me - technology. While this is somewhat true, it doesn’t tell the whole story. Well, at least my whole story.
My first passion that I can remember was writing. When I was younger, I had planned to become a writer. I wrote all the time: poetry, short stories, fiction. I was certain I would become a professional writer sometime. Along the way through my life the plans shifted and took me down another path towards the technology world and another passion.
Computers made complete sense to me. I could figure things out quickly and help others to be better with computers. Could this be my calling? I loved working with computers and from Middle School through High School, I found myself as the go-to for all problems computer or tech related. I loved it. I get to mess with computers all the time and help others - what an awesome thing. Teachers would ask me for help with new gadgets and computer programs. What I didn’t realize is that while cultivating my love for technology, I was cultivating my ultimate passion: helping others.
It is important to realize that being able to pursue your passion can help to make your life more fulfilling. Easier said than done, I know. Find a way to incorporate your passion into what you do day-to-day. If it’s writing, write a little bit each day. If it’s gardening, plant a garden. If it’s photography, go take awesome photos. Hiking? Go hike. I’m lucky that I get to work in some capacity every day to help at least one person. I get to think outside the box to get something accomplished. At the end of the day, I get to teach others about my passions: helping others and technology.
Now that I’ve finished my Degree path, I can now try to combine the two passions with my original passion, writing and my newest passion: security.
So, I ask you: What is your passion - and what can you do to cultivate it?